Find sql_id of a problem cursor first!

-- Find cursor address and hash value by sql_id
select ADDRESS, HASH_VALUE from V$SQLAREA where sql_id = :sql_id

-- Purge the cursor out of the shared pool

Is it still there?

select count(*) from V$SQLAREA where sql_id = :sql_id
  • If not, good job!
  • If it is, check open cursors
select count(*)
from   v$open_cursor
where  sql_id = :sql_id;

-- Find sessions running this cursor
select distinct sid, serial
from   v$session
where  sid in (
         select sid
         from   v$open_cursor
         where  sql_id = :sql_id)

-- Kill sessions
alter system kill session '<sid>, <serial#>'

-- Try purging again

-- Is it still there?
select count(*) from V$SQLAREA where sql_id = :sql_id

-- Probably not