Basic RESTful resources

resources :posts

Maps to PostsController with actions:

GET /posts postsController#index
GET /posts/new postsController#new
POST /posts/new postsController#create
GET /posts/:id postsController#show
GET /posts/:id/edit postsController#edit
PUT /posts/:id postsController#update
DELETE /posts/:id postsController#delete

Single resource

resource :publisher

Maps to actions in PublishersController:

GET /publisher/new PublishersController#new
POST /publisher/new PublishersController#create
GET /publisher PublishersController#show
GET /publisher/edit PublishersController#edit
PUT /publisher PublishersController#update
DELETE /publisher PublishersController#delete

Extending resources

Subroutes for ‘subresources’

resources :employees do
  resources :tasks, :duties
  resource :boss

Add member routes

resources :posts do
  member { get 'excerpt' }       # /photo/1/excerpt
  # or
  get 'preview', on: :member

Manually setting up routes

Manualy map routes to controllers and actions

get 'photo/:id' => 'photos#show'

post 'photo/:id' => 'photos#update'

Legacy urls (not RESTful).

match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'